
Resources in the District


    Agriculture in Koppal district is dependent upon rainfall, irrigation tanks, wells, streams etc.The major agricultural crops grown are Jawar, Bajra, Wheat, Maize, Paddy, Horsegram, Greengram, Cowpeas and the commercial crops are Groundnut, Till, Cotton, Nigerseeds, Castor, Sunflower, Sugarcane etc. Agriculture in Gangavathi taluk is dependent mainly on Tungabhadra canal irrigation, rainfall, tanks, wells, streams etc. The major agricultural food crops grown are Paddy, Bengal gram, Bajra, Jower, Navane, Horsegram, Turdal, Greengram, Cowpeas, Maize and Wheat and the commercial crops are Sunflower, Groundnut, Till, Cotton, sugarcane, Castor, Nigerseeds. The taluk grows two major varieties of Paddy [1] IR-64 and [2] BPT-32054. Agriculture in Kustagi and Yelburga taluk is dependent mainly on rainfall, tanks, wells etc. The water table in the taluk is low and water alkaline. There is restriction for new borewells and the entire taluk is declared as grey area for agriculture..

    Koppal was created Easter wile Raichur district and Came in to existence on 1997 Koppal district is naturally a maiden area and consists of Koppal Gangavathi Yelbuga and Kustagi talukas these areas are rocky areas with soil types like red sandy, block soils etc., The district comes under northern dry zone the climatological factors are very much suitable for growing the horticulture crops as we aware that agriculture is the main occupation of the district, but now days horticulture plays prominent role in the local occupation, at present district is having an area of about 14329 ha (2004) with production of 2.3 Lakhs tones, the important crops of the district are fruit crops, vegetable crops, plantation crops, spices and flower crops, the major fruit crops includes pomegranates in Kustagi, grapes in yelburga mango, sapota, citrus Ber etc the other fruit crops includes guava, papaya fig annonamuskmelon etc.

    The major vegetable crops are leafy vegetables tomato, Onion, brinjal, gourd verities, gerkins, and so on, now days the district is known to be popular for seed production specially tomato seed production, Chilli seed production and also watermelon seed production by private companies with the help of local farmers and seed production is very much localized to the Yelburga taluka.

    The crops like chilly, coconut, tamaried and corriender are the important and special crops of the spices, oil palm is one of the major plantation crops of the Koppal taluka the farmers of the district are know days planning to grow datepalms as an dry land fruit crop Looking in to the floriculture in the district jasmine marigold are very much localised to Irkalgada, Alvandi other areas of the district, Rose and Sugandhraj are also Important flower crops of the area.

    At the movementm, pomegranate leades among the fruit crops ie., almost 30-35% of the district area, grapes 15-20% mango 20-30% other 10-15% the important verities of the pomegranate are Arkta Kesar and Ruby, Kustagi taluka of the Koppal district is considered as the important Pomegranate export pocket, the mango is also another fruit crop grown in the districdt, varities like Baneshan, Mallika, Hyb-13 and Khadar were being in introduced in the district, fig is the another important fruit crop where farmer are very much interested in growing as a commercial crop.

    The farmer of the district are very much interested in adopting hi-tech horticulture specially green house cultivation of vegetables, growing flowers under controlled conditions, keeping export point in mind and adopting hi-tech water management facilities specially Drip Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation and other Another important feature of the district it is having an area of 435 ha under oil palm crop distributed at Kavalur, Hirebidnal, Hiresindogi and Irkalgad areas.

    Koppal District in having limited Sericulture activity, the veriety of mulberry cultivated is M5, S36 , S54 & VI the variety of Silk worm rearing in done with new Cross breed and New bivoltine races namely MSc x CSR2, CSR2 x 5, CSR 18 X 19. There is one Multiend Silk reeling unit at Katharaki Village in Koppal Taluka. The areas were mulberry cultivated are Kasanakandi, Hosaningapura, Hanamasagar, Yelburga, Hrevankalkunta, Hanaval, Habalakatti, Madikere, Taluvagere, Naduvalakoppa, Hiremannapur, Karamudi, Huchalkunta, Chowdapura, Muradi, Beloor, Haidaranagar, Keslapur, Venktageri, Hudmgal , Thirumalpur, Mallapur, accounts for 125 Hecteres in the District, the Silk Produced in the District is haveing good Quality with the yield ranging from 35-80 Kgs, per 100 DFLs. the Kustagi, Hubli and Bellary Grainages Supply layings(Cross Breed) to the District; Where as the bivoltine race layings are suppplied from NSSP(CSB), Hasan (GMG) And Channapatana(GMG).
  • FOREST :

    Forest area of district is very insignificant due to rocky hills and mountains. There is no wild life in the district. The major types of species found in the forest are Neem, Tamarind, Eucalyptus, Honge, Acacia arculiforms, Casium species etc.,

    The water resources available in the district are from tanks, wells, borewells, Tungabhadhra canal and other sources.

    The inland fishery and Fresh water fish catch is the only source of fish in the taluk. The district does not have Iceplant, Cold storage, Fishing net etc.

    In the district Synite Brittle variety of granite stone is available. This variety of stone is also called Pink Panther located at Tavargera, Abbigeri, Irkalgad etc., places around Koppal. The stone is exported to Taiwan and Japan. Coronado variety of industrial grade stone is also available at Bisaralli of Koppal taluk. The Koppal district has got the mineral resources such as Granite, Building Stones, Green Quartz. The quantity of granite available in the district is around 7600 MT.
  • HUMAN :

    Educationally the district is not having adequate facilities. The district labour force mainly consists of cultivators and agricultural labourers. The district has traditional craftsmen like Kinnal toys, carpenters, carvers, handloom weavers, human hair processors etc., who constitute the major skilled force in the district.The technically qualified and skilled persons are available both for absorption into local industries for maintainance aswell as for self-employment ventures.